Pregnancy, Toilets, and Such...

I am now 25 weeks along in my pregnancy and I haven't posted any pictures yet! So here you go: Here I am at 20 weeks: and here I am at 24 weeks Now that I look at them together I do see a difference... It's been hard for me to see that I'm getting bigger, because no one seems to notice I'm pregnant! Everyone says it's a blessing that I'm not big. But I want to show off a little bit... I am about 5 months now!! Anyways.. I have been thinking lately about the toilet seat issue. You know what I'm talking about... Whether you keep it up or down. For a lot of people they say that the men in the household should put the seat down when they are finished. While I agree it is very nice to not have to touch the seat when I need to go, I also have to think about my husband. He has to touch th...