The Baby Story: Unexpected Suprises

So here's the low down on how my baby came to be (not the first stages- we all know how that happened). It started on a Saturday night at our ward Halloween party. I started feeling contractions every 20 minutes. They weren't very strong, but I knew that finally things were happening. It made me really excited because it was the day before my due date and it would be super awesome if she came on her due date. The contractions continued through the night (very hard to sleep through by the way) every 20 minutes. In the morning around 9, they started to get farther apart and we were sad, hoping that it would have progressed instead of slowing down. That night they started up again at 20 minutes apart and by Monday morning around 5:30, they were coming 3-5 minutes apart and went on for a good hour. YAY! It's time to go to the hospital! Now, our car has an odd quirk. Sometimes if it's too cold outside, then the ignition won't start and it will alert t...