And so it begins...

I have given hints here and there that I would do cloth diapering with Olivia. I have put it off and put it off, but have now run out of excuses. We have everything in  order and starting tomorrow, I will begin working with cloth diapers. Periodically I will blog my experiences so that others may learn from my mistakes or maybe give answers to questions I will inevitably have along the way. Wish me luck!

Matt installed a sprayer for our toilet
We received a ton of cloth diapers for free from a friend
 Snappi's for keeping the cloth diapers together. No pins!

 All organized and ready to go!
Now do I stick with disposable wipes or reusable? Thoughts on how to go about this?


  1. Maybe use re-usable wipes at home and disposable when you're out.

  2. I wish I had a sprayer when I was doing diapers. For wipes I just got wash cloths that were a different color than the ones we were using for bathing. When I changed the diaper I just put the wash cloth and diaper into the diaper pail and washed then both. I was able to change the babies in the bathroom so I had access to a sink.


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