My Cloth Diaper Experience So Far
Hey Friends, I know it's been a long time coming, but I had to make sure I had this down before I posted about my cloth diaper experience. I still have a lot of learning and improving to do but here is what I've got so far. If you want to just get down to business, I have a video at the bottom here that you can just watch without reading the boring story first ;) So to begin, as some of you may know, I received a TON of cloth diapers from a friend and since we were considering trying it anyway, this really tipped us over the fence and here we are doing cloth diapering. At first, I wanted to wait because I thought Olivia was too small for any of the diapers I had, which I found out was not actually true, they just look HUGE when you put them on your baby. You can also make diapers smaller, which I show in the video. My first day on the job was hard. The first time I tried to spray poop off a diaper was, simply put: messy. **Holding the diaper more down in th...