My Cloth Diaper Experience So Far

Hey Friends, I know it's been a long time coming, but I had to make sure I had this down before I posted about my cloth diaper experience. I still have a lot of learning and improving to do but here is what I've got so far.

If you want to just get down to business, I have a video at the bottom here that you can just watch without reading the boring story first ;)

So to begin, as some of you may know, I received a TON of cloth diapers from a friend and since we were considering trying it anyway, this really tipped us over the fence and here we are doing cloth diapering. At first, I wanted to wait because I thought Olivia was too small for any of the diapers I had, which I found out was not actually true, they just look HUGE when you put them on your baby. You can also make diapers smaller, which I show in the video.

My first day on the job was hard. The first time I tried to spray poop off a diaper was, simply put: messy. **Holding the diaper more down in the toilet so it doesn't swing back and forth over the toilet when the spray hits it is a good tip. 

Being organized is super helpful. That way you can just grab and go and you don't have to think about something extra when, at first, cloth diapering is a lot to think about. Once you get used to it though, it's as easy as disposable. Seriously.

Snappis are awesome to have. They are used to fasten a cloth diaper together like pins, except they wont pierce your baby. Yay!

You will want to change cloth diapers more often. I especially had to do this because Olivia is a heavy wetter. She pees all the time! If you don't change often, diaper rash comes on fast. Boudreaux's is fantastic and also Desitin are really good diaper rash creams. Matt doesn't like the smell of Boudreaux's, but I think it works better. We've put it on her neck rash, in her armpits, in her knee crevices... anywhere she gets a rash and it's gone fast. 

At night we put Olivia in a disposable, because she wets so much and it helps keep away the diaper rash from her having to sleep in that all night. So we use about one disposable a day, unless I go out somewhere with her and then I also use disposable then. They are just easier in public, especially when they go #2.

Well, I think that's it for now. It's been a great experience so far. A lot easier than I thought it would be. Sometimes I still dread putting her back in a cloth diaper in the morning but then once I do, I wonder why I was dreading it. I think it's still in my head that these will be hard, but they really aren't. It takes a few days of practice, but soon it's just natural. 

If you think I missed anything or you have further questions about anything, feel free to ask! I now have a wealth of knowledge.


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