10 things I love about being married

1) I can do weird/stupid/ridiculous things and he can't do anything about it (he's with me forever).
2) Sex
3) Cooking new things and learning what's good and what's not.
4) When I cook terrible things, he has to eat it and say yum anyways because he's helpless without :)
5) I don't have to eat leftovers because he'll eat anything... he even graciously takes the terrible meals to work with him.
6) He finishes my sentences... even when it wasn't what I was thinking of saying at the end of it.
7) I get serenaded.... a lot... (there have been many a confiscated guitar)
8) I have a best friend I can tell anything to
9) He takes care of me when I'm sick/tired/puking/PMS-ing
10) We get to plan a real future together :)

Being Married Rocks!


  1. you are weird. But I think a lot of these could apply to our relationship too...minus #2..and #5...


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