Fun Day

Today, Matt and I wanted to go to the temple, but upon arriving, found out it was closed for cleaning. Not wanting to go back to the house quite yet to sit in darkness while Matt did homework, Matt started driving around. We drove past the zoo (making a mental note to visit sometime soon) and went up into the mountains. We found a great little look out point and took some pictures.

Then, we decided to go farther up. Then all of a sudden as we came over the hill, we found this beautiful lake. We drove down to see what it was all about and found out it was called Little Dell Recreation Center or something like that. You can take canoes or kayaks there, and it is just amazingly gorgeous. We now have a place to canoe!! We also saw a sign for archery hunting and decided we want to find an archery range to have some fun on. Then as we were coming back down, we stopped at a gatorade (lemonade??) stand that two boys of about 8 were running in their front yard. so we bought two glasses of whatever it was ($.50 ea.). It wasn't too tasty, but they were so cute, I could not resist. I didn't get a picture of them, cuz I thought that would be weird, but I got a picture of our lemonade colored glasses!

Then, we made homemade pizza. It was soooo good! Mine had kalamata olives (yum!!!) and spinach on it and Matt's side had taco meat, mushrooms, and green peppers. The base sauce was a ricotta cheese mixture. It was amazing :)


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