Quilting is fun?

There is a background story to this picture... 3 years ago, I decided I wanted to make this heart rag quilt for my mom. Unfortunately, I did not have a sewing machine, skills at sewing, or patience for it. But I got all the materials and borrowed a little sewing machine from a friend anyways. Well, I never used that sewing machine in the year that I had borrowed it and so I gave it back. Although I had cut out all the pieces for it. Well, now Matt and I decided that we should make our own curtains instead of buying them (a.k.a. Kate will make them because Matt tried and it was a little crooked and needs more practice before we let him do something serious). So we had borrowed Matt's grandma's old sewing machine from one of his aunts to do these curtains and since I have it, I might as well work on the quilt...but as soon as I started working on the quilt it starts breaking down on me every other minute. It did it before, but not like this. Eventually it just stopped working. Frustrated out of my mind, I call my mother sniffling (no, mom, I'm not crying.....) and she suggests I take it in to get it cleaned and looked at. So I did. When it was done, the guy said it was like it had never been cleaned and the wires were all broken and stuff, so he fixed it up all nice for me for not too bad of a price. Now I can start sewing again. Hopefully this time I'll actually finish it... look forward to the pictures of my finished quilt!


  1. I love that you are now just finishing up the quilt I watched you cut out!! Good luck with that!!! Love ya!

  2. I sewed my first dress on that machine 40 years ago. I am glad that you are using it now.


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