Happy New Year!

Ok, so I know that it's already February and I haven't posted in forever! I am sorry. Truly. Well, for those of you who don't know already, I have been working for the LDS church headquarters in the floral department as an assistant. I get to help put up all of the indoor Christmas trees on temple square. I am now going to explain why my posts have been lacking of late. During the late months of 2011 I first had an accident where I fell in a hole in a stage at work, then a few weeks later someone ran into one of our cars in the middle of the night and drove off. Then I dropped a very heavy barricade pole on my foot at work and broke my toe, then a few weeks after that I crashed the very same car that had been hit. Needless to say, we had a very eventful end of the year. We managed to stay afloat with the help of a very generous family and lots of budgeting and saving. We are very grateful for these experiences and the lessons we have gleaned from them.

In case you are wondering, I have not stopped massaging. I am still doing alignment therapy. I have some new clients lined up in fact, and I am working on learning how to bill insurance! It's a very exciting time and also a time of patience. I am itching to start doing therapy more frequently when I end my temp job with the church. It was nice having a little break where I could find out what I really want to do with my career. I am still in love with body work. After I ended school, I intended on doing a neurological case study with alignment therapy, but my interests have changed and I am working on a post-natal case study and then after I'm done with that, I want to start an MS case study. Case studies help me find out about certain disfunctions and issues and to see how alignment therapy can help individuals with those things. I want to eventually specialize in an area that interests me and pioneer for others in the future.

Ok, so hopefully there will be more to come this year and things will be uneventful :)


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