Road Trip

Today Matt and I are preparing to embark on an epic road trip! Just kidding.. it's not that epic, we are just really excited to go :) 

We are head to Californ-i-a. We are going to visit Jeanette, who just had her baby Jewel. Then we will visit Keith and Brandy and Then we will visit Matt's sister Ruth and her husband Patrick. It will be a fantastic trip!

Tonight we have to cut Matt's hair, pack our things, change the oil in the car (which needed it about a thousand miles ago), and we need to go shopping for road trip snacks!!!

Essential road trip snacks are as follows:
- Mountain Dew
- Gatorade
- Trail Mix
- fruits and veggies
- Stax (better than Pringles) 
- PB & J
- jalapeno cheddar cheetos


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