Health Insurance Rant

So I am 21 weeks pregnant now. Woo hoo! I'm starting to feel the baby kick more and more. Everything is working out with this pregnancy so far. We have had so many blessings of friends and family being very generous towards us. 

The only thing that is a bummer about all of this is health insurance. They must indeed suck all the fun out of everything. I have my own health insurance (not through a company I work for) and I have been a loyal customer for years. No major health problems for them to deal with, just my regular doctor check ups. Then I got pregnant. A very normal pregnancy with no high-risks or complications so far. And guess what? Because I live in Utah, I am not covered for prenatal doctor visits or labor and delivery. If I lived in Colorado, or Nevada, or Washington, or pretty much any state other than UT, I would be covered. rude. 

Well, thanks health insurance, now I have to jump through a bajillion hoops to be able to get money for this totally normal pregnancy. 

And you know what's ironic? They have a service where you can call nurses any time if you have questions about your pregnancy. It's set up specifically for the pregnant women they insure. Why don't you just help me out with my payments and I'll ask my doctor about anything I'm concerned with. Thanks. 

Oh well, what can you do?  


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