
So I recently found this cute idea for a date jar on pinterest from a blog. You can find the original idea here. While I thought this idea what so creative and cute, I also felt there weren't enough date ideas. So I started scrounging online for fun date ideas. I found a lot of different websites with a lot of good stuff. I sorted through for the practical and fun sounding ones (there were a lot of dumb ones that sounded like people were just trying to get filler for their "100 awesome dates"). Anyways, I've gathered a bunch together and categorized them into 3 groups: expensive, less expensive, and stay at home. Here are 48 great dates:
-Bed & Breakfast
-Weekend Hotel Stay
-Couples Massage & Spa
-Concert and Dinner
-Horseback Riding
-Hot Air Balloon Ride
-Sky Diving
-Drive-in & Take-out
-Surprise Date (Him)
-Surprise Date (Her)
-Picnic and Library
-Local Museum
-Nicklecade & Fast Food
-Swimming @ Local Rec Center
-Tour a House & Test Drive a Car
-Paint Your Own Pottery
-Get Palms Read
-Fly a Kite & Feed Ducks
-Indoor Climbing Gym
-Antique Shop Browsing & Ice Cream
-Frisbee & Tandem Bike
-Get a Treat to Share From a Fancy Bakery
-Dollar Store- Activity & Food
-Golf Ball Driving Range
-Salt Lake Marina (for ppl in SL)
-Amateur Theater
-Dinner and a Movie
-Laser Tag
-Melting Pot

-Mocktails, Fancy Clothes, Sinatra & Dancing
-Bubble Bath, Sparkling Cider & Candles
-Ice Cream Sundaes
-Take-out & Board Games
-Puzzle & Pizza
-Video Games & Nachos
-Popcorn & a Chick Flick
-Crosswords/Sudoku & Breakfast for Dinner
-Cooking Together
-Make a Fort & Hide and Seek
-International Getaway @ Home- choose  a country and eat like them and watch a movie with that theme
-Read poems (funny or serious)to Each Other & Eat Crackers w/ Cheese and Fruit
-Make Treats for Neighbors
-Scavenger Hunt
-TV Bingo

So those are all the dates I found and came up with. I know the expensive ones are a little crazy, but that's why they're in that section. Enjoy and let me know if you have any other date ideas that are fun :)


  1. Barnes and Noble trip. Pick out books in the children's section and read to each other


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