A Family of the Cloth

Matt and I have decided to take on the challenge of cloth diapers. We have done much research and this is the end result. We have not decided to go COMPLETELY cloth, but will do it as much as we can. A.K.A we will do disposable when we go out of the house most of the time. 

I was a little nervous to do this at first. Yes, it's better for the environment. Yes, it reduces diaper rash significantly. And yes, in the long run, it's cheaper. But is it really worth all the work??

The thing that tipped us this way instead of the other, I think, is that a friend had a garbage bag full of cloth diapers and diaper covers and gave them to us. So Matt and I looked through them. There were diaper covers of every kind. There were a ton of cloths. Matt tried to show me how to fold one.... I don't think he remembers as much as he thinks he does from his family using cloth diapers. Anyway.. We looked up how to fold and use these things and decided it would be a good thing to do. Especially since we have so many now and don't have to buy them! (even though there is a certain brand I still want to get)

Here is our plan:

-Use cloth diapers at home

-Use disposable diapers outside of the house

-Once we get more comfortable and more brave, use the cloth outside the home sometimes.

-Use disposable most of the time when the baby is newborn (they go through diapers like their life depends on it)

So that is our plan. It's kind of a hybrid. We are not totally brave enough to go all cloth, but we like the benefits of doing it most of the time. It will definitely take some getting used to and learning a system of how to manage it. I have faith in it. Plus, we have some super cute diaper covers!

Wish us luck!


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