
Showing posts from 2011

My Future Kitchen

This is the inspiration for my future kitchen. I haven't decided what to call it, but it has a french bistro/cafe feel to it. The colors are red, white, black, and some neutral tans. I am slowly accumulating things for it. I have the dishes already and they are awesome! A butter dish is my next conquest.  Eventually I will have this poster too. But one step at a time, right? I don't even have much of a kitchen to put all this stuff in. My kitchen at the moment is pink and white :/ I wonder if I move to France if the people there would make fun of me for having such a kitchen.

Finished Project!!!

I am finally done with the blanket! I gave it to my mother a few days ago when she came through to visit. Perfect timing mom! It's not perfect, but it's my first one and I learned a lot. So on to my next project! What should I do next? I've got a lifetime of scrapbooking that needs to be started on... yikes. So here's the picture of the finished blanket: front  back  

Quilting is fun?

There is a background story to this picture... 3 years ago, I decided I wanted to make this heart rag quilt for my mom. Unfortunately, I did not have a sewing machine, skills at sewing, or patience for it. But I got all the materials and borrowed a little sewing machine from a friend anyways. Well, I never used that sewing machine in the year that I had borrowed it and so I gave it back. Although I had cut out all the pieces for it. Well, now Matt and I decided that we should make our own curtains instead of buying them (a.k.a. Kate will make them because Matt tried and it was a little crooked and needs more practice before we let him do something serious). So we had borrowed Matt's grandma's old sewing machine from one of his aunts to do these curtains and since I have it, I might as well work on the quilt...but as soon as I started working on the quilt it starts breaking down on me every other minute. It did it before, but not like this. Eventually it just stopped working. F...

Some New Things

You can't really see it that well, but this is my name plaque at work. I can switch it around to different treatment rooms and stuff. It all official and professional, I love it! Currently I'm doing this paid internship for work right now at The Structural Integration Institute. I love the people and the work environment, and I hope I get hired on someday to be an employee. I'm starting to kind of look now for another job on the side, to earn some extra money. We are trying to save up for a car :) A Honda Fit to be exact. We still can't decide on a color, but it will be a while til we can afford it, so we have time to decide.

Fun Day

Today, Matt and I wanted to go to the temple, but upon arriving, found out it was closed for cleaning. Not wanting to go back to the house quite yet to sit in darkness while Matt did homework, Matt started driving around. We drove past the zoo (making a mental note to visit sometime soon) and went up into the mountains. We found a great little look out point and took some pictures. Then, we decided to go farther up. Then all of a sudden as we came over the hill, we found this beautiful lake. We drove down to see what it was all about and found out it was called Little Dell Recreation Center or something like that. You can take canoes or kayaks there, and it is just amazingly gorgeous. We now have a place to canoe!! We also saw a sign for archery hunting and decided we want to find an archery range to have some fun on. Then as we were coming back down, we stopped at a gatorade (lemonade??) stand that two boys of about 8 were running in their front yard. so we bought two glasses o...

Matt's Welding Projects


My New Hair Cut :)

Somehow, I couldn't post all my pictures in one post... Don't ask and don't try to help. Computers and I don't get along and I don't want to get into it. Just enjoy the pictures in the other 5 posts I made.

We Make Food!

We have been trying to make things from scratch so we aren't eating a bunch of processed foods and it's working out pretty well. If anyone has any simple from scratch meals that they love please share! W e bought a little pumpkin and made:  pumpkin seeds! also with the same pumpkin...  pumpkin pie!  Chicken pot pies!  Doughnuts!  chicken and bisquits! Alfredo w/shells and artichokes! We love making food! So give us your homemade recipes!

10 things I love about being married

1) I can do weird/stupid/ridiculous things and he can't do anything about it (he's with me forever). : : : 2) Sex : : : 3) Cooking new things and learning what's good and what's not. : : : 4) When I cook terrible things, he has to eat it and say yum anyways because he's helpless without :) : : : 5) I don't have to eat leftovers because he'll eat anything... he even graciously takes the terrible meals to work with him. : : : 6) He finishes my sentences... even when it wasn't what I was thinking of saying at the end of it. :: : 7) I get serenaded.... a lot... (there have been many a confiscated guitar) : : : 8) I have a best friend I can tell anything to : : : 9) He takes care of me when I'm sick/tired/puking/PMS-ing : : : 10) We get to plan a real future together :) Being Married Rocks!

Dog Drama

 A while ago, we hosted a puppy for a friend who was giving this dog as a present for their mom... well it was very cute, but it gave us much hassle with taking it outside every half hour and cleaning up barf and pee and  poo and it was just gross.... don't let the pictures and videos deceive you.
Here it is with writing on it. We made corned beef and cabbage for St. Patty's Day!

Exciting new things!

We just put up these days of the week above our cupboards. I got them from Jeanette's Stampin' Up thing. They are so cool because I can draw on them with chalk!!! So I can write down what our meals are for the week :) Now I just need to get chalk....

New Start

Hello world! I was wondering if I should start a new blog for my newlywed life and then I accidentally deleted my last blog, so I guess I got my answer! I hope you enjoy my updates on what's happening with Matt and I!